Good info to share
Has your baby sprouted those first pearls yet? Are your days being spent trying to make your baby smile, just so you can see those little pearls inside? Whether your baby has just one tooth that is visible or a few more, it is imperative that you take care of them.
Babies tend to put everything in their mouths leading to numerous chances of diseases and infections. Read on to know how and when you should start cleaning your baby’s pearly whites and how important is taking care of baby teeth:
Your Baby’s First Visit to the Dentist:
You should take your baby to the dentist around the first birthday. The dentist will suggest various teething and oral hygiene tips and introduce the concept of brushing.
How To Take Care Of Baby Teeth?
Your baby’s first teeth will help preserve the spacing for the permanent ones. They also help your baby to chew the food and talk properly. Tooth decay, even in the milk teeth, can lead to germ build-up and cause further damage.
Here is how you should care for your baby’s initial teeth:
1. Cleaning The Gums:
It is important to take care of the gums even before your baby’s first tooth appears. Take a soft handkerchief or washcloth and moist it with drinking water. Wrap this around your index finger. Wipe your baby’s gums at least twice a day (ensure you do not apply too much pressure). Alternatively, you can use a finger toothbrush that is made of a soft rubbery material. Massage your baby’s gums after mealtime and before bed time. This will remove the bacteria from your baby’s gums. Bacteria often leave behind a sticky plaque. This can damage your baby’s teeth as they start to protrude out of the gums.
2. The First Tooth:
Get a baby brush as soon as you see that first tooth. Get one that has a small head, has very soft bristles and a big handle that your baby can easily grasp. For the first few months, you may need to hold the toothbrush and brush your baby’s teeth. Gently brush the front and back of your baby’s teeth and also clean the gums. Replace your baby’s toothbrush every three to four weeks. In case the bristles look chewed or damaged, replace it immediately.
3. No Bottle While Sleeping:
Your baby may need a bottle to soothe to sleep but this is extremely damaging. If your baby regularly falls asleep while sipping on the bottle of milk, there is an increased chance of cavities. This is especially true when your baby is no longer drinking the milk but just using the bottle for comfort. Look for any discoloration or pitting. These are the first signs of cavity in your baby’s teeth.
4. Limit Sweet Intake:
Too much sweet intake is not good for your baby, especially your baby’s teeth. Cut down on sugary foods and drinks for your baby. Eating sugary food can break down the mineral surface of your baby’s teeth. If your baby is having something sweet, ensure you clean the gums and teeth with water. You can either brush or massage gently to remove any residue.
Introducing your baby to oral hygiene at an early age is crucial. It is also a fun task, one where both you and your baby can practice oral care together. Your baby will learn from you, so do brush regularly with your baby and follow other dental hygiene rules too.At what age did you introduce your baby to oral hygiene? Was your baby interested in brushing or was it difficult initially to teach? Did you use toothpaste for your baby or just water? And how did you remove the bottle at night? Do share your tips on how to care for babies first teeth.