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All I'm going to do here is share. For all my dear frens... Enjoy reading!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Baru je googling pasal tempat makan nie kan...mlm td gak dah tersinggah makan kat sini. Sambil2 tu nanti bolehla cuci2 mata kat outlet2 kot2 jumpa baju bekenan.

Kesian i nie tau..x taula masalah badan or masalah baju. Semua rasa x kena ngan badan. 

Kay so, far okayla...okay ke?

huhu. me order NY Striplion & Mr.Hub order Ribeye Steak. We both request for well done cook & 200gms steak grill.

Food sampai je. Tgk expression muka hub nampak cam dalam hati maybe dia ckp kecik nye. Sbb they serve 150gms & 200gms. So, we choose 200gms coz that time perut pn sangat lapar kan. But, 200gms xdela tebal mana then covered with onion. Nampak cam tebal but nipis je. 

Okayla, janji sedap. so, we just teruja terus je potong the steak. Macam agak keras but xdela nk kata ape lagi kan...mana tau bila masuk dalam mulut jadi lembut kan. Mmg indah kabarnye dari rupa la org kata. The steak a bit keras. Jenuh jugakla me nak mengunyah kan. Pastu dengan teselit2 lg kt gigi nie. Hemm mmg agak kurang selera la nak makannye. Tapi sbb dh order then x baikkan rezeki kita  x abiskan. So, me telan jela agak2 kalau x leh dh nak kunyah lumat steak tuh.

Hemm. Agak kecewala sbb me yg pilih tempat nie. Base on the internet review, mostly said okay plus affordable with price. For me biarlah spend more money for something yang memuaskan. Hati pn senang kan.

So, Sorry for NY STEAK SHACK,  i just can give you 2 out of 5 star. 

Oleh kerana makan x puas so, this weekend we plan to try  another western food at ioi city mall again.

Maybe Morganfield's?

Monday, January 12, 2015


Maybe some readers will question why i choose western food, right? and why Ioi City Mall?
Of course we rarely have western food for dinner and lunch everyday right. As usual tekak malay, basicly need nasi at least once a day. So why not we try looking for western this time. 


IOI city mall are new shopping mall located at Putrajaya. Just take around 10-15 minutes from my house.  The best thing here is they provide many restaurant not only malaysian food but also western food, Korean food & Chinese food at the lower ground floor. 

Not only the food but the shopping outlets also make my eyes juling haha. 

Okay, 1st time visit with my husband, we lunch at Kenny rogers then we just looking around the place and of course planning for the next visit. 

And yesterday i'm start googling to find the best western food recommended base on customer review and finally i got 5 on my list.


Located at LG45

Base on customer review, the food taste good and the steak so yummy. The price also affordable. 
So should try this.


Located at GE 5

I am not sure about this place but the place also serve steak. So, should try this too.


Located at LG64

This is hubby's favorite place so far. The steak are so delicious and tasty especially the signature steaks. 
Surely always on my list. 


Located at GE-6

New place and base on the morganfield's website. It's look interesting, the food look yummy, the steak look juicy. I think should put on the list. 


Located at LG-59

This is burger place. Can try also.

So, hopefully the write up will help steak lovers to find the best steak here. haha...

Can't wait to go there. hehe

#misi menulis blog atleast 1 entry seminggu dalam bahasa inggeris atleast guna simple word. Bagi sesiapa yang nk betulkan bahasa saya silakan sangat dialu-alukan. haha
#dicabar oleh boss 


Monday, January 5, 2015


Good info to share
Has your baby sprouted those first pearls yet? Are your days being spent trying to make your baby smile, just so you can see those little pearls inside? Whether your baby has just one tooth that is visible or a few more, it is imperative that you take care of them.
Babies tend to put everything in their mouths leading to numerous chances of diseases and infections. Read on to know how and when you should start cleaning your baby’s pearly whites and how important is taking care of baby teeth:

Your Baby’s First Visit to the Dentist:

You should take your baby to the dentist around the first birthday. The dentist will suggest various teething and oral hygiene tips and introduce the concept of brushing.

How To Take Care Of Baby Teeth?

Your baby’s first teeth will help preserve the spacing for the permanent ones. They also help your baby to chew the food and talk properly. Tooth decay, even in the milk teeth, can lead to germ build-up and cause further damage.
Here is how you should care for your baby’s initial teeth:

1. Cleaning The Gums:

It is important to take care of the gums even before your baby’s first tooth appears. Take a soft handkerchief or washcloth and moist it with drinking water. Wrap this around your index finger. Wipe your baby’s gums at least twice a day (ensure you do not apply too much pressure). Alternatively, you can use a finger toothbrush that is made of a soft rubbery material. Massage your baby’s gums after mealtime and before bed time. This will remove the bacteria from your baby’s gums. Bacteria often leave behind a sticky plaque. This can damage your baby’s teeth as they start to protrude out of the gums.
2. The First Tooth: 
Get a baby brush as soon as you see that first tooth. Get one that has a small head, has very soft bristles and a big handle that your baby can easily grasp. For the first few months, you may need to hold the toothbrush and brush your baby’s teeth. Gently brush the front and back of your baby’s teeth and also clean the gums. Replace your baby’s toothbrush every three to four weeks. In case the bristles look chewed or damaged, replace it immediately.

3. No Bottle While Sleeping:

Your baby may need a bottle to soothe to sleep but this is extremely damaging. If your baby regularly falls asleep while sipping on the bottle of milk, there is an increased chance of cavities. This is especially true when your baby is no longer drinking the milk but just using the bottle for comfort. Look for any discoloration or pitting. These are the first signs of cavity in your baby’s teeth.

4. Limit Sweet Intake:

Too much sweet intake is not good for your baby, especially your baby’s teeth. Cut down on sugary foods and drinks for your baby. Eating sugary food can break down the mineral surface of your baby’s teeth. If your baby is having something sweet, ensure you clean the gums and teeth with water. You can either brush or massage gently to remove any residue.
Introducing your baby to oral hygiene at an early age is crucial. It is also a fun task, one where both you and your baby can practice oral care together. Your baby will learn from you, so do brush regularly with your baby and follow other dental hygiene rules too.At what age did you introduce your baby to oral hygiene? Was your baby interested in brushing or was it difficult initially to teach? Did you use toothpaste for your baby or just water? And how did you remove the bottle at night? Do share your tips on how to care for babies first teeth.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Pastinya nasi ayam penyet kegemaran En.Hub. 1st time buat alhamdulillah menjadi. Tidakla susah mana and leceh mana nak buatnya. Cuma kena perap ayam jela bagi rempah-rempah sebati.
Hasil dari campuran resepi google terhasil lah Nasi Ayam Penyet Real from Bandung. Haha

Simple je kan. Yang penting ayam ngan sambal menjadi. Bila makan memang terangkat. Me kurangkan sikit pedas tu...kalau x mau berasap telinga time makan. Silap2 hangus cuping telinga tu kan. Jangan la ade yg buat perangai time tu...mmg nk menyinga dek kesan pedas teramat. So nk elakkan terjadinya situasi itu so me kurangkan cili kecil pada sambal.

Okay pada sesiapa yg beminat nak buat ayam penyet meh me share resepi. Gerenti jadik sehingga menjilat jari giteww


Seekor ayam potong 8
Jintan manis
Jintan Putih
Serbuk lada putih
Serbuk Kari Baba's
Serbuk Kunyit Baba's
Halia 1 inchi
Bawang Putih 5 biji
Bawang kecil 4 biji
Minyak untuk menumis (Ketumbar+Jintan manis+Jintan Putih)

Tambahan Mengoreng

Tepung beras tambahan untuk mengoreng ayam
Telur sebijik tambahan untuk menggoreng ayam

Cara-cara : Tumis Ketumbar+Jintan manis+Jintan Putih sehingga naik bau. Kisar bahan-bahan diatas termasuk bahan yang telah ditumis. Lumurkan pada ayam dan perapkan semalaman ataupn 3-4 jam. Lagi lama perap lagi meresap rempah2 pada ayam.

Gorengkan ayam yang telah diperap bersama bahan tambahan. Cara menggoreng spt goreng ayam kentucky.

Baki rempah2 boleh digunakan untuk menggoreng tempe dan tahu


Cili Padi 9 biji
Cili Besar 7 biji
Bawang Putih 3 biji
Bawang Besar 1/2 biji
Tomato 1/2 biji
Belacan Bakar
Udang kering/Ikan bilis
Limau nipis

Gorengkan semua bahan kecuali limau nipis. Bila dh masak and naik bau, angkat dan tumbuk menggunakan lesung batu. Perahkan limau kasturi. Kay siap!! mudahkan



Apa ada di Gold coast Morib nie ek? For the 3rd times betandang barula kali nie rasa macam2 aktiviti boleh di buat kat sini. Walaupun baca bad review dari pengunjung Gold Coast Morib nie dari segi and macam2 lagi. Tapi for me, with the low budget..okay la so so hehe.
Takleh nak mengharap lebih. Janji bilik okay xde problem so xdela kita nak complain ape2. So xdela nk menghadap diorangnye customer service yang agak la. Sbb 2nd times dulu mmg agak badla.

So far, untuk percutian singkat and spend time ngan anak2..layan diorg punye aktiviti okayla. Not too bad

So, ape ada kat Gold Coast Morib nie

1st DAY : Theme Park

Sampai pn dah lewat so sempat jugak la melayan aktiviti anak-anak bermandi manda. Both princess tu mmg sgtla happy bila kena air kan. Memandangkan both anak me below 1 & 2 years so freela. Then for makpaknye pn free sbb ambil package free for 2 ntrypass for themepark hanye RM168 uolss...okayla kan. This time plak my sis & anak2 terua diorg follow so ramai la melayan princess. So happyla diorang.


Dinner me x ambil di hotel. Sbb b4 nie dh rase makan hotel. So-so jela menunya. So, dinner kat tepi laut. Ade byk gerai makan deret2 kat pantai Morib tu. So, my hubby pilih kedai King Ikan Bakar. Review dr blogger kata sedap. So tryla. Not bad. Harga pn okayla untuk 5 dewasa dan 2 sikecil dalam RM110. Menu ikan siakap 3 rasa, sotong goreng tepung, kerang bakar, kangkung, sup daging dan telo dadar . Not bad kan kan. So sape2 yang nk cari tempat makan di Morib leh la pegi ke King Ikan Bakar. Tapi jgn marah plak kalau x sedap. Sbb time me pegi mmg kenala gak ngan selera. Ke me nie yang lapo sangat haha.

2nd Day : Theme Park, Beach activities

Breakfast me ambil di Hotel sajo. Sbb malas plak nak keluar kan pepagi tu. Sbb lepas breakfast princess ngan abg2 sado dh sebok nak mandi theme park and ber aktiviti di pantai. So layankan je.

Blowing bubbles ala tiup2 air sabun kuar bubble. 3 bekas RM10 . Kids memang happyla sgt main benda nie. Abg2 tukar blow then princess tukar kejar haha.

Then dah penat berbubble, buat sand castle plak. Abisla sampai rambut2 penuh sand. Dasyat betul. Takpe bagi chance sbb lepas nie leh rendam kat theme park

After checkout, singgah plak di Pantai Morib. Ada karnival jualan siang malam bukak. Tapi x round sbb cuaca agak panas. Lunch kat sana then lepas tu layan aktiviti anak2. Main kereta control & abg2 main lelayang. Seronok sangat princess dapat lepas. Larik la sepuas2nye. Ha pastu mama and papa letihla apa lagi mengejar diorg. Abg2 sado sibuk main lelayang.

Starting 2015, Gold Coast Morib..sape berminat singgah2la survey


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