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All I'm going to do here is share. For all my dear frens... Enjoy reading!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

New TAG --> What's inside my handbag?

Wahh ade new tag lg...kali nie dr pn.jalina..menarik gak tag bleh la freekan masa skit utk layanzzzzzzz...actually i hutang 1 tag dr pn.suhana..sabar ye sue...aku pasti akan buat...tungguuu...


What's inside my handbag?

1. Find a safe quiet place free of significant other, noisy makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general.

Workplace? why?
1. senyap
2. partition agak tinggi org tak nampak

2. Take a photo of your handbag and the contents

ape dlmnye yek? cuba teka...heheh

3. Dump the contents of your handbag in a pile.

Oleh kerana ofc i nie senyap, i takla dump semua brg dlm handbag nie..tekezut kang sape2 yg i by one..jeng2

4. Be brave and explain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the handbag.

okay kwn2...diantara brg2 yg ade dlm nie...hehehe
nie list nye:

1. 2 biji purse (bleh dilihat pd pic no 1)
2. camera (diguna utk amik gambar2 diatas)
3. pen
4. perfumes
5. cosmetic ( lip gloss, lip stick, blusher, compact powder)
6. usb for camera
7. statement bank n resit2
8. koteks(wanita2 pasti ade)
9. car key
10. tasbih (br perasan ade tasbih dlm handbag..actually nak bg someone as buah tgn dr makkah tp telupe plak)

5. What's the most important thing in your handbag?
ofkos -- the most important and selalu mmg akan ade : car key, purse, hp, lip gloss, compact powder, perfume

6.What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbag?
xdela embarrassing sgt kot...semua okay je...suam2 jerk
1. statement tuh biasela -- senang nk gi bayar...
2. sampah gula2 -- selagi tak jumpa tong sampah i mmg suka simpan...jaga kebersihan...

7. Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves

azie -- tak penah balas nak tag gak..
jojet -- jet ape dlm handbag ko..jgn ko letak kucing udah le
k.zulfarina -- ...sejak2 pakai handbag besar

be brave friends.
Jangan clearkan handbag kamu sebelum kamu diclearkan.


zulfarina zulkeple said...

ala roha nak kena wat jgk ker huhuhu arini cam tak sempat jer pagi2 sok la yer sbbnyer nak kena dumb brg2 tu dah le aku ni dok kat area2 bdk2 jantan tu skl terkezut depa kahkahkah pssst beg tu mmg ler bsar so sampah2 nyer jgk bsar kekekeke

mamadhea said...

ehh akak mesti buat...sbb dlm bag akak tu mcm doremon punye bag..ekekek..mcm2 ada...

qwypark said...

Cik Roha aku mana pakai handbag,beg sekolah bleh? hehe

mamadhea said... problem...tula handbag ko...wahh byk tuh...


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